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The post has not yet been written. Please post one soon! -Online University Courses -How to Take Ownership of a File or Folder Manually on Windows 10 -How to Find Text in Files on Windows 10 -Privacy Issues for Online College Students -What is an Online Degree? 3) Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The Allure of Online College Education" Online education democratizes knowledge, which is one reason why people are flocking like never before. We all want to be educated, but the notion of learning at home certainly has its limitations. While an online degree can provide you with excellent credentials, there are plenty of reasons why you might want to first experience the college setting. You can decide whether or not to attend classes on campus based on your personal circumstances after all. 6) Create a series guide for your readers providing them with information about how to sign up for your course 8) Create a series guide optional blue link to provide readers with login information 8) Create a series guide with an optional blue link that allows readers with login information 9) Quote from another source in order to elaborate on something within your post . 9) Quote from another source in order to elaborate on something within your post 9) Quote from another source in order to provide support for your argument.9) Quote from another sources in order to provide support for your argument.12) Appeal to authority in order to bolster the credibility of the statement you are making. While this is pretty much non-optional, it is a common tactic among writers and speakers, so be prepared to use it. 13) Provide a disclaimer by linking to a website with a return policy so that readers can be sure that what you state is backed up by fact. 13) Provide a disclaimer by linking to a website with a return policy so that readers can be sure that what you state is backed up by fact 14) Mention an upcoming event in order to get your reader to read on and not stop reading . 14) Mentioning an upcoming event in order to get your reader to read on and not stop reading .15) Launch into the subject of what will be the main point of your post, then move onto something else without giving your reader much time to respond. 16) Launch into the subject of what will be the main point of your post, emphasize it, then move to something else without giving your reader much time to respond.16) Launch into the subject of what will be the main point of your post, emphasize it , then move to something else without giving your reader much time to respond.19) Cut and paste information from another source . 19) Cut and paste information from another source .20) Use referential humor in order to provide shock value for your readers. 20) Use referential humor in order to provide shock value for your readers . cfa1e77820